I Run For Life

About Me

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Louisiana, United States
I'm Just a small town girl who's always deep in thought.

The Jake Owen Raborn Foundation

These Are My Stories

Little Maggie

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Margarita, My Hotel and a broken heart...

Okay so apparently I have entered a new Passage in life. My 2 year relationship (marriage) has ended. On the Sunday before Easter I came home to find the Locks Changed and all of my stuff packed up. Whew... Another broken heart.... It still hurts, but I am different this time. I am not crying my eyes out wanting to put my fist through a wall...nor am I wanting to get revenge.
Tonight I am in Alexandria, Louisiana for some training for LifeShare Blood Centers. I went to Chili's and had a Top Shelf Margartia (should have made it a double) and now I am back in my hotel room with my lap top with nothing but my thoughts. Right now my head is a crazy place to be. So many thoughts...racing...so many memories...lingering. How in the hell did this happen? I keep waiting for the phone to ring and a voice on the other line to say, "Baby, come home..." but I'm not living in a dream world...I know that phone call isnt coming.
I'd be happy if my therapist would call right now. LOL... She could make me laugh. I know I havent written in a while...and this is why. This is the only thing I can think of to write about and no one wants to hear about it. So if I dont update for a while...this is my reason. I need time to be me... to learn to live again on my own. I'll keep you posted.




Zhohn said...

You'll get through this. You may not know why yet, but everything happens for a reason. I didn't know you where in Alex till tonight. Did you get my text about the Shake?
Oh, I'm about to go see if the job is on the site.

Love you,

Kelly said...

Sorry to hear things are so crappy right now. I'm glad you posted! I check in every once in awhile when I have a free second and I was beginning to really wonder what happened to you!! Keep your chin up!

dena said...

I read your post today and I just feel so sad for you:( I was wondering why it had been awhile since you posted...just know I will pray for your broken heart to heal and for things to look up soon. Let go and let God:) Take care.....Dena

Zhohn said...

Hey, I thought you had done already read my comment! It's been a while.
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